Quick To Listen, Slow To Speak

Quick To Listen, Slow To Speak

 It could save marriages. It could cancel the “cancel culture.” It could save me so much daily heartache and regret. This. Verse.

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…for our anger doesn’t bring about the righteous life that God desires.”
James 1:19

I need to grow into this verse. It doesn’t come naturally. To me or any of us. But it is God’s way. And it is so effective in building relational bridges. 

May God’s spirit work this verse deep into our hearts today. When we feel frustration or anger starting to bubble up, may we take a deep breath and listen. Then listen some more.  Seek understanding. And resist the temptation to verbally bash and cancel someone. There is no win it.

But when we follow God’s way, it gives the Holy Spirit an opportunity to work. In both of us. The goal isn’t to be right. It is to be right with God’s heart. That is the Kingdom win. – Sandi