Small Slides? Or Small Steps?

Small Slides? Or Small Steps?

The struggle is real. To live in a world that often feels at odds with our faith in Jesus.  We’re bombarded with media, temptations and influencers that don’t line up with God’s best for our lives.  We can start to slide down a path we don’t even recognize that we’re on.

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

This is a check from one “prone to slide” friend to another. How is your mind and heart doing? Are you growing in your faith? Are you feeding your faith? If this is a struggle for you too, there is hope.  

Transformation can start right where you are. Renewed habits can start today. 

Where do you spend your time? Who do you listen to? What is influencing your decisions and desires?  

What is God prompting you to change? It may look like small steps. But each one is a step closer to His heart. And to your life looking more like Jesus. What a pattern to follow! – Sandi