The Father Of All Compassion And Comfort Is Close

The Father Of All Compassion And Comfort Is Close

God always has a purpose for the seasons He allows you to walk through. Even the painful ones.

“The Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in trouble with the comfort that we’ve received from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

God promises to be your comfort. To move in close when your heart is breaking. And He also promises to bring purpose to your pain by allowing you to comfort someone else when they’re walking through the same heartache.

When you’re in a season of grief or suffering, there’s nothing more powerful than having someone in your life who has “been there.” 

If you need God’s comfort today, He promises to draw close to you. Reach out to Him.

And if someone in your life is struggling today, perhaps God is inviting you to pass on the comfort He’s given you. Step into their pain with understanding and “been there” compassion. 

The Father of all compassion and comfort is close. For you. And for you to share. – Sandi