The God Of Peace Is With You

The God Of Peace Is With You

 Do your thoughts ever veer toward worst-case scenarios? What ifs? Why nots? Fear? Anxiety? Me too. What if there is a better way? A path to peace?

“Whatever is true, right, pure, lovely…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy… think about such things…And the God of peace will be with you.”  Philippians 4:8-9

Your thoughts either lead you toward worry or peace. 

So, lead your thoughts toward God. Make room for truth. Begin to worship. And surrender the worry. 

From one who wrestles with anxiety along with you, it isn’t always easy. But I find comfort in knowing that God is always with me. His peace is always available. And when we focus on Him more than the fear, peace happens. The God of peace is with you.  – Sandi