The Greater One Is On Your Side

The Greater One Is On Your Side

 Here is a truth that the enemy doesn’t want you to know. There is nothing you’re going to face today that is bigger than the God in whom you trust. 

“…The One who is in you is greater than the one who is the world.” 1 John 4:4

He is greater. Jesus has already won the victory. And His Spirit resides within you to bring comfort, strength, and confidence in God’s promises. 

The enemy has limited power. He barks loudly. His schemes may be disruptive to our plans and our peace. But he is on borrowed time. And your Heavenly Father is reminding you today that He is greater. His thoughts are higher. His power is unlimited. His plans can’t be thwarted. And He will never leave you.

You may face unexpected bumps today that feel insurmountable. But remind your heart, and the enemy, that the One who is in you is greater than the one who opposes you. God is greater. And He is faithful. – Sandi