There Is Freedom. For You.

There Is Freedom. For You.

 Is there an area in your life that you desire more freedom? It is more than ok to admit (to yourself and to God) that you’re struggling and crave more freedom!

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 

Today we celebrate the freedoms we have in our country. We remember the cost. Every freedom we enjoy is the result of hard-fought battles. The same is true in your life.

If you are still in the battle for freedom, in your mind and heart, keep fighting. Keep surrendering to the good work of His Spirit. He is with you, and He is the key to your freedom.

If you are struggling to believe that freedom is even possible, God wants to remind you that His way is better. He loves you and has a plan for your life that includes freedom and healing. Call out to Him and invite His Spirit to reveal Truth and freedom to you today. Then take the very next step that He invites you into. Because His Spirit will set you free. Let’s celebrate freedom today.