What You See Is Only Part Of The Big Picture

What You See Is Only Part Of The Big Picture

 I have 2 pairs of glasses.  One helps me see things far away. They’re good for distance. The other helps me see things close up…I use them for reading.  I can look at the same object but see it very differently depending on the lens I’m looking through.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

As you look at your day and your life, you have a choice. Which lens will you choose? The here and now? Or the promises of the yet to come?

Your perspective will determine how you look at challenges, obstacles, disappointments… everything you face today. 

With God’s help, may we fix our eyes on the big picture. May we see every challenge we face today through the lens of His faithfulness. The promises of the yet to come. May our hearts be focused on what we can’t yet see. – Sandi