You Can Trust A God You Can’t See

You Can Trust A God You Can’t See

 Do you ever struggle with trusting a God you can’t see? Me too. 

How do you know that he’s real? You can’t see him. You can’t hear him. So how can you trust him? 

“Though you haven’t seen him, you love him; and even though you don’t see him now,
you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible joy…” 1 Peter 1:8

Some things are simply undeniable, whether you see them or not. Gravity. Peace. Love. A settled soul.

Once I surrendered my life to God, there was an undeniable change in me. And I realized that being able to see God isn’t as important as being able to trust Him. 

I don’t have God figured out. But I have found Him to be faithful and trustworthy. So, I trust Him. And He gives something else that is undeniable. Joy. 

Don’t let your sight or hearing get in the way of responding to God’s love for you. You can trust Him! -Sandi