You Hem Me In-Behind And Before Me

You Hem Me In-Behind And Before Me

Picture this in your mind. It just may ease the anxiety and uncertainty you’re feeling.

“You hem me in – behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to understand.” Psalm 139:5-6

God goes before you. He stands guard behind you. And He is not only with you, He has His hand upon you. You are literally covered by His grace, presence, and protection. 

It sounds too good to be true. The God of the universe giving such personal care and attention to you. But it is the promise of God.  Perhaps you need that reminder today. There is nothing you will face today that catches God off guard. He is already there. He is already prepared. And you are already covered. Whether your mind can fully fathom it or not, may God’s promise bring you peace and joy today. – Sandi